Vinod Kambli was in denial mode. On Tuesday he was using heavy duty words like heartbreak, shattered, distraught, sensational, shock… “My family has gone through a lot of trauma,” he told DNA on Tuesday. He was both melodramatic and remorseful for whatever he has said on Sachin Tendulkar and the Board of Control for Cricket in India on a television show.
He had explanation ready for every question. “He is like my younger brother. I take advice from him,” was his first comment. “People take advice from elder brother but here we are. We have this unique relationship. My younger brother gives me advice,” he said. He was not in a hurry to shy away from the controversy nor from the media.
So what about the question on Tendulkar? “You should see the programme first,” was his initial answer. So was he promoting the programme? “What a question. We have been friends for 26 years. Nothing can breach our friendship.”
Ok, point noted. But did he say that his friend did not back him at the hour of crisis? “Absolutely not. He was always by my side at every crisis, personal and professional. Sachin is like my brother.” He then blamed the media. “Even before seeing the programme, the media is speculating on that.”
Has he spoken to Sachin? The response was not one but two. “I have tried to contact him. I could not reach his number. I think he will call back.” Then he hastened to say something else. “Is there a need? You think Sachin will take cognisance of such sensationalisation by the media. He will not.”
Kambli, however, admitted that he had undergone polygraph test and has spoken only the truth. Kambli’s denial was not only confined to the Sachin issue. He dwelt on the cricket board. He said: “The BCCI should not have reacted the way it has. I have some comments by the BCCI officials. I wished they had seen the programme before making any comments about me. How can I make a comment on my parent body? I’m part of it,” he said.
Kambli expressed ignorance whether all the hoopla surrounding his alleged comments about Sachin was publicity exercise. “I don’t know how the media got to know. I expect an apology.” Whether or not he commented on Sachin and whether or not the media was jumping the gun, Kambli has done one thing — promote the programme.
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